
The Priest, the Warrior and the Shepherd: The Hittite Great King during Cultic Festivals

17 november 2022 @ 19:30
The Priest, the Warrior and the Shepherd: The Hittite Great King during Cultic Festivals @ Online

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Hittite (Anatolia of the XVIth-XIIth centuries BCE) cultic festivals are public events during which the Great King displays his authority to his people and claims his legitimacy. For so doing, the Hittite sovereign appears both as the legitimate representative of the gods and as a powerful and fearsome commander-in-chief. Alice will present both strategies of royal legitimation through a selection of Hittite texts. She will also explore yet another aspect of Hittite royal imagery.

Alice Mouton doceert sinds 2004 Hettitisch en Luwisch aan de universiteit (Université de Strasbourg, Institut Catholique de Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études en Faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université). Ze is als onderzoeksdirecteur Hettitologie verbonden aan de CNRS onderzoekseenheid Orient et Méditerranée. Bovendien is ze, onder andere, medeverantwoordelijk voor de creatie en organisatie van de MOOC “À la découverte de la civilisation hittite”.